National Handwashing Awareness Week

Posted On December 1, 2018
Categories Features

Often, the winter months are associated with an increased risk of illnesses such as colds, stomach bugs, and the flu.  The importance of washing hands is promoted during the first week in December (2nd – 8th), which the CDC lists as being the “single most effective way to prevent the spread of germs that cause infection and illness.”

To help spread the word on how to properly wash your hands, here are a few suggestions:

  1. Wash your hands after activities causing you to touch surfaces that might carry germs and could cause you to become ill. Activities could include: going to the bathroom, blowing your nose, preparing food, petting an animal, touching public surfaces (light switches, door knobs).
  2. Make sure you use soap! Be sure to scrub your hands with soap and water for at least 15-30 seconds to remove most of the germs.
  3. Adequately dry your hands after washing them. Germs are more likely to be transferred to your hands if they remain wet or damp.
  4. Use paper towels to dry your hands. This step will not only help with decreasing the number of germs that are on your hand, but hand dryers have been shown to spread germs up to 3-6 feet away from the machine.

If you want more handwashing tips, check out the CDC’s website which provides information on how to maintain proper hand hygiene:



Contributing Writer:  David Talley, Wellness Program Administrator, Employee Development and Wellness Services, Georgia State University